Curret Release: GridMPI-2.1.3
Publications 2008
Publications 2007
Publications 2006
Efficient MPI Collective Operations for Clusters in Long-and-Fast
M.Matsuda, T.Kudoh, Y.Kodama, R.Takano, and Y.Ishikawa.
In Cluster2006, 2006 (©IEEE).
Efficient Collective Algorithms for Grid Environment
in Japanese).
M.Matsuda, T.Kudoh, Y.Kodama, R.Takano, and Y.Ishikawa.
In SWoPP06, 2006.
Precise Software Pacing
Effects of Software Pacing Method on the Delivery of Streaming Media.
in Japanese).
R.Takano, T.Kudoh, Y.Kodama, M.Matsuda, F.Okazaki, Y.Ishikawa, and Y.Yoshizawa.
In IEICE Technical Report vol.106, no.167, NS2006-53, pp.37-40,
Improving TCP Performance by Using Precise Software Pacing Method.
in Japanese).
R.Takano, T.Kudoh, Y.Kodama, M.Matsuda, F.Okazaki, and Y.Ishikawa.
In IEICE Technical Report vol.105, no.562, NS2005-157, pp.29-32,
Realtime Burstiness Measurement
Publications 2005
TCP Adaptation for MPI on Long-and-Fat Networks.
M.Matsuda, T.Kudoh, Y.Kodama, R.Takano, and Y.Ishikawa.
In Cluster2005, 2005 (©IEEE).
Overview of the GridMPI Version 1.0
in Japanese).
M.Matsuda, Y.Ishikawa, Y.Kaneo, M.Edamoto, F.Okazaki, H.Koie,
R.Takano, T.Kudoh, and Y.Kodama.
In SWoPP05, 2005.
Performance Evaluation of the GridMPI for IBM pSeries
in Japanese).
F.Okazaki, Y.Ishikawa, M.Matsuda, Y.Kaneo, M.Edamoto, R.Takano, T.Kudoh,
and Y.Kodama.
In HOKKE05, 2005.
TCP Layer Adapted to MPI library
in Japanese).
M.Matsuda, R.Takano, Y.Ishikawa, T.Kudoh, Y.Kodama, F.Okazaki, and H. Tezuka.
In SACSIS05, 2005.
Precise Software Pacing
Publications 2004
Cluster MPI Library Performance Tuning
TCP/IP Performance Evaluation/Tuning
A Consideration of TCP/IP Congestion Control Mechanisms for the
in Japanese).
R.Takano, T.Kudoh, M.Matsuda, Y.Kodama, H.Tezuka, and Y.Ishikawa.
In SWoPP04, 2004.
Precise Software Pacing Method for Long Fat Pipe Communication
in Japanese).
R.Takano, T.Kudoh, M.Matsuda, Y.Kodama, H.Tezuka, and Y.Ishikawa.
In Internet Conference (IC2004), 2004.
Publications 2003
Cluster MPI Library Performance Evaluation/Tuning
Evaluation of MPI Implementations on Grid-connected Clusters using
an Emulated WAN Environment.
M.Matsuda, T.Kudoh, and Y.Ishikawa.
In IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and
the Grid (CCGrid03), 2003 (©IEEE).
MPI Application Performance Estimation on Clusters Connected over
in Japanese).
M.Matsuda, Y.Ishikawa, and T.Kudoh.
In HOKKE03, 2003.
The Design and Implementation of Kernel API for MPI
Communication Model
in Japanese).
M.Matsuda, Y.Ishikawa, T.Kudoh, and H.Tazuka.
In SWoPP03, 2003.
TCP/IP Performance Evaluation
($Date: 2008-06-02 03:47:41 $)